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Linda Holmes Illinois Senator

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About Linda Holmes

State Senator Linda Holmes was elected to represent the 42nd legislative district in 2006. As a former small business owner, she brings a businessconscious perspective to the legislature, ensuring state government protects the hard-working people of Illinois.

An Aurora resident since 1983, Holmes has been extremely active serving on a number of neighborhood committees and community organizations. Prior to being elected as state senator, Holmes served for two years on the Kane County Board. Her experience on the county board shaped her strong belief in local control and her advocacy for letting local government and its residents have a voice in making decisions that impact their community.

Holmes has been the Chief Sponsor on a myriad of legislation during her time in office that encourages job growth and impacts education, health care, veterans’ issues and the environment.

As a former owner of a remodeling company, Holmes knows firsthand how important sound infrastructure and construction are to our State. The construction industry provides good-paying jobs for hundreds of thousands of Illinois working families. Holmes was a vocal leader behind the $31 billion capital construction project that passed in 2009 and continues to advocate for community improvement projects to repair roads, bridges, hospitals and schools.

As a member of the Classrooms First Commission, Holmes has attended hearings to gather information about consolidation and the best practices to maximize efficiency within school districts. She has also sponsored legislation to update physical fitness standards and promote physical education programs in our schools throughout Illinois.

Having lived with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for over 20 years, Holmes is very concerned about health care issues in Illinois and remains dedicated to providing individuals with sufficient physical therapy access, ensuring a healthier lifestyle and better quality of life. She feels very fortunate that she is able to lead a healthy and active life and remains passionate about supporting those who have faced physical disability. Holmes has worked closely with the MS Society and sponsored several bills, including legislation that requires hospitals and nursing homes to adopt safe patient handling policies.

Holmes is a dedicated and hard-working public official, currently serving as Chairperson of the Senate State Government and Veterans’ Affairs committee. She also serves as the Vice-Chair of the Senate Labor committee and is an active member of the Senate Local Government, Agriculture and Conservation, and Gaming committees.

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